Since 2001 we celebrate the European day of Languages across 47 European countries (much beyond the EU). While it is good to enjoy the freedom and unity of the European Union, it is important to acknowledge and appreciate our cultural and linguistic diversity. All languages are unique, with their own roots and history that evolved them. Many events are taking place in all participating 47 countries as well as competition for young translators.
The European School students are also celebrating this linguistic diversity through poems and images. Each year everyone is invited to submit a written poem or a short text in their languages. In alternative, you are invited to submit a drawing which would represent the linguistic diversity and richness of Europe.
The winning drawing from our school is then submitted for the competition across the European schools. The overall selected winner will have a pride to see his drawing as a symbol on the T-shirts for the next year's European day of Languages.
So watch out this September: you will see teachers and students wearing a T-shirt with a symbol which won the first place last year! The winner of the 2019 EDL T-shirt contest is Emilė Žandauskaitė from Vilnius, Lithuania. Congratulations! If interested, you can buy the T-shirt online.
Submit your drawing this year and maybe it will be your drawing that will appear on the T-shirts next year!
