This Friday the 14th of February (Valentine’s Day), a protest took place in our school during the short break, (from 11:00 to 11:10).
This protest took place in ALL 13 of the European Schools, and the aim of this protest was for each school to get a picture in front of a landmark, and to bring awareness to the fact that European countries “have not cut their emissions as much as they need to in order to limit the Earth’s temperature below the safe limit of 2°Celsius”
Photo credits to MembroFoto.
For this reason, CoSup and Cut 11% proposed this strike throughout all the European Schools and spread this message through Social Media.
Why on Valentine’s Day?
We always associated Valentine’s Day with celebrating romantic love, or love for our friends and family, but have we ever considered expressing our love and gratitude for our home; Earth?
Many countries have recently started transitioning back to coal as an energy source or suspended the shutting down of various coal plants, such as France.
France decided to continue using a coal power plant in Cordemais until 2024-2026, even though the previous shut-down date programmed by France was in 2022.
Germany, which is planning to exit coal as a primary energy source, is planning on closing all coal power plants from here to 2038. However, they recently opened a new coal plant of great dimensions in Datteln.
Although the association that is currently exploiting this plant says that their carbon dioxide emissions will be significantly low compared to previous coal plants, many people doubt this.
Many argue that it is too late, and too much damage will be done to our planet if we continue using this extremely polluting fossil fuel.
We might think that protests aren’t important, or are insignificant, but in reality, these protests help bring awareness to problems.
Our generation has become more and more aware of the potential future of our planet, and we need to take action and let the people in power that we need to make a change.
CoSup Instagram page,