Contest of all European Schools and Mostra d´Arte della Scuola Europea Varese
The article is written by Anais, Mila, Axelina and the art teachers
Article in two languages, English and Italian
Introduction by the art teachers
More than 300 students of our school participated in the Dreaming Green project. The results were exhibited in our school from the 14th to the 20th of June in the Da Vinci building. 5 works were chosen to be sent to Brussels to be in a digital catalogue with all other European schools.
We wanted to share the experience of the project at our school with you. The project was open so everybody could jump on their green cloud and let their creativity go. As journalists, Mila, Axelina, Rebecca and Anaïs (S2) we wanted to tell you that we enjoyed all projects that we saw in the show!
To let you have an insight into some artworks, we interviewed 3 artists to find out more about their works for Dreaming Green.
Interview by Anaïs to Anonimus, S2
Anais: Ciao ! Ho visto il tuo disegno per il Dreaming Green e mi è piaciuto tantissimo! Volevo farti qualche domande su questo progetto!
Anaïs: Cosa racconta la tua opera?
Angelica: La mia opera parla del legame con la natura! Il nostro consiste in un albero e due pianeti!
Anaïs: L’hai fatto con altre persone?
Angelica: Si! Siccome eravamo in tre, ognuna ha lavorato su un disegno e poi gli abbiamo uniti creandone un’unico!
Anaïs: Bello! Che tecnica avete utilizzato?
Angelica: Abbiamo utilizzato acquerelli e matite colorate!
Anaïs: Com’è stata l’esperienza?
Angelica: E' stata un’esperienza bella e divertente!
Anaïs: Super! Ultima domanda, cosa pensi del Dreaming Green?
Angelica: Dobbiamo prenderci cura e salvare il nostro pianeta!
Interview by Mila with Lina K. S3
Mila: “What is the message you wanted to give with this painting? And what inspired you?” Lina: “With my drawing, I wanted to show the world what will happen if we don’t take action. We should do whatever we can to help our planet. My love for animals and being able to see what pollution had destroyed with my own eyes has inspired me. I know on the surface, my work doesn’t relate to dreaming green, it’s quite the opposite. But the message I am trying to get across does relate.”
Mila: Does the robot in the middle have a particular signification?
Lina: “The robot would signify the future, he is looking at two different pictures of what’s happening in the world ad he is doing nothing to stop it.
“Let’s not let our planet become like the one in my picture, let’s try to make a better world for future generations so they can dream green, and not act like the robot, emotionless and ignoring.”
Interview by Axelina and Mila with Rebecca H. S2
Mila and Axelina: What do the two parts of the painting represent?
Rebecca: The left part shows the humans trying to dominate the earth and keep the animals captive; the right part shows free animals because they haven't been captured yet.
Mila and Axelina: what inspired you?
Rebecca: It was an evolutionary inspiration, I wanted to know how to draw a bonsai and it made me think of the savannah, then of tigers. Then I wanted to add the presence of humans (hence the two parts of the table) I added small details to show that it is based on our time.
Mila and Axelina: in your watercolour, on the left (where there are humans) the sky is greyer and on the right (where animals are free) the sky is blue-green. Why?
Rebecca: Where it's blue, that's where the air is. Not yet polluted, whereas on the left where it is grey it is to mark the presence of humans, and pollution with it.
Mila and Axelina: Next to the car, there are tickets. Does it symbolize something?
Rebecca: Yes, it symbolizes the greed of humans.
Mila and Axelina: In the left part, at the ear of the tiger there is a label, is it another symbol? Rebecca: This is to show that this is not the first tiger captured.
Work's Gallery
Take a look at some other artworks! Dream Green for the Future!