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School Strike for the Climate, Skolstrejk för Klimate


Updated: Dec 16, 2020

FridaysForFuture is a global movement founded by sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg, caused by the lack of political action towards the prevention of climate change. It consists of school students taking their determination towards politicians to the streets to fight for a clean and safe future, and for those who are suffering the dire consequences of climate change. These strikes are organized by the FridaysForFuture movement and receive police approval. The strikers miss school at their own discretion.

On Friday 20th and Friday the 27th of September, one of many global climate strikes took place globally, and I, amongst a group of others, was able to participate in the one in Milan. An estimated 50,000 people were striking in Milan on Friday the 27th, and globally the number of strikers reached 6 million.

You might be thinking, “how does protesting get you anywhere?”.

Attending protests is a very affordable method used to make a change, and although we can make many changes in our lifestyle, this is showing our governments that we want to make a change. In order to make a large impact it is essential to involve our “leaders” because ultimately, they have the power to make a systematic change.

Any small change you make is valid.

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