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Things to do at home: ideas by students for students

Writer's picture: ESV EditorESV Editor

Updated: May 21, 2020

Hey guys!

We’ve been in quarantine for quite some time now, and although we can go outside a little bit more now, we’re still pretty much confined at home. We know that it can be easy to feel bored and like there’s nothing interesting you can do at home. So, we thought we would share some of our personal favorite activities with you! 

We hope that you find something you like.

Take care!

The Peer to Peer team

Offline activities

1. Gardening (article in Italian)

La prima attività che vi potrebbe venire in mente è il giardinaggio. Per alcuni può essere un po’ complicato da fare perché magari non hanno il giardino, ma questo non significa che non possono divertirsi a coltivare ortaggi o a piantare dei fiori. Quindi se volete qualche spunto per il giardinaggio da fare durante la quarantena questo articolo fa per voi😉.

2. Cooking

We think it’s safe to say that all of us have been spending a lot more time in the kitchen than we would usually do. But eating is not the only thing you can do there – have you tried cooking or baking? If you’re an experienced cook, this is the perfect time to take your culinary journey to the next level – and if you’ve never set foot in the kitchen before,maybe you could take that first step right now! We’ve collected few cooking websites which we know and love, for you to choose from below.

If you don’t feel like going through all the recipes to find the perfect idea, don’t worry: here’s a recipe for the easiest pancakes ever!

3. Reading

On Epicreads and on Goodreads you can find wonderful suggestions of books to read.

If you subscribe on Epicreads you can have 1 month of free books and audio books!

P.S. your L1 and L2 teachers will also appreciate your effort:)

"A good book is like a good friend. It will stay with you for the rest of your life. When you first get to know it, it will give you excitement and adventure, and years later it will provide you with comfort and familiarity." - Charlie Lovett

4. Listening to Podcasts

You can either use Spotify or download the app ‘google podcasts’ on your phone:

It allows you to access to man different podcasts in different languages for free.

If you like a channel, simply subscribe and the app will notify you when new episodes are uploaded or download an episode to listen to it offline.

Some of my personal favourites are:

  • Flight of fancy: travel podcast

  • The New Yorker Radio Hour

  • Science

Listen to them while you do yoga, cook, walk around the house or relax with your eyes closed!

5. Working out

Another fun activity to do can also be working out, it’s a great way to release some stress.

Training app with yoga classes and workouts:

Some fitness-focused YouTube channels:

Work out for fun and to stay healthy!

6. Dance

Do you have a lot of free time? You can use it to dance. 

There are many free tutorials on You Tube, but also a lot of apps and games where you can learn and have fun with dance. Here are some suggestions:

  • Just Dance

  • Tik Tok

7. Sing

When you are bored and have nothing to do, you can sing.You don’t have to be good.If you want, you can do it alone in your bedroom or with your whole family-all you need is some music (you can find a lot of videos to sing along to your favorite songs on YouTube) and the willingness to have a lot of fun.

Some YouTube channels where you can find the Karaoke versions of your favorite songs can be:

8. Music: Sing and learn how to play a new music instruments

Do you have an instrument at home that you never bothered to pick up? This is the right time to do it! It could be any instrument, like:

9. Draw

If you have nothing better to do or wish to relax, draw or colour in mandalas if you happen to have some lying around at home.

Here are some drawing tutorials:

Online activities

We know that you may be tired of staring at the computer all day, but technology is the best way to stay in contact with our friends when we have to stay at home.Using all the tools available, we can not only talk to them, but also do a lot of fun activities with them. Here are some examples:

10. Films

You can watch a movie with them using some streaming platforms like:

  • Netflix party: install the chrome extension “Netflix party” then create or join a party to watch a movie or TV series with your friends!

11. Play games with your friends

You can also play some games online. There area lot of them, but we want to share our favourites with you:


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